Reunion Weekend - August 16-18, 2024
There was a lot of fun the entire weekend. The committee wants to extend a big thank you to Beavercreek Golf Club, Giovanni's, TJ Chumps and Bowl 10 Fairborn for helping make a great weekend of fun for all who attended.
As was announced, this is probably the last reunion that the current committee will plan. The head of the committee, Carole Andes Hart, has put in a considerable amount of time and effort in planning the last few reunions and has done a tremendous job in doing so, and she is officially retiring from the job. Thank you, Carole!!!
As was announced, this is probably the last reunion that the current committee will plan. The head of the committee, Carole Andes Hart, has put in a considerable amount of time and effort in planning the last few reunions and has done a tremendous job in doing so, and she is officially retiring from the job. Thank you, Carole!!!
More information and photos from classmates will be posted as they come in.

Friday Golf, Beavercreek Golf Club - August 16, 2024
Despite some rain drizzles, 3 groups of golfers had a great time, and rumor has it that Larry Riggs shot an 89. All other golfers’ scores will be kept top secret!!!
Friday Bowling, Bowl 10 Fairborn - August 16, 2024
All reports show that all bowlers had a lot of fun, but there was no report of any scores, so we will have to assume all shot perfectly!!
Friday Night Get-Together, TJ Chumps - August 16, 2024
Tour of the new Fairborn High School - August 17, 2024
The tour of the new high school was outstanding. Jerry Browning and Pat (Skeeter) McCoart led the large group through the school, including classrooms, sports arena, Performing Arts Center and the new stadium. Everyone taking the tour were extremely impressed with what is being done for the school kids in Fairborn.
Lunch at Giovanni's - August 17, 2024
A large contingent of classmates and spouses/family members attended the lunch get together at Giovanni's. As always, the food was great and the company delightful!!